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Don't Worry because.....
Welcome to the Village of WorryWartz. The beginning of a great adventure.

These pages are currently under construction.
Bailey and the story of the Village of WorryWartz are the property of WorryWartz, Inc., All rights reserved
www.WorryWartz.com-WorryWartz Inc., Orlando, Florida
Seasonal Items are available during that Season
Studi-Bags for College Students is where we really try to give an exceptional product!  We hope to place this information on our website soon for the convenience of the parents, grandparents and others. It's a great gift during finals, or just as a nice surprise during the those college days.
We also have gifts available for many other purposes, especially for those who are burdened by various disruptions in life. This Site gives you a chance to tell the story of the "Village of WorryWartz and how Bailey Frog solved the worries of his fellow creatures. Then.....Well, you need to read the story to understand this Site and our Dear Bailey Frog.
Painting of background scene by Ray Truckle, Gloucester, England
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